
Prismatic LFP rechargeable battery
Application: EV


Nominal Capacity 67Ah
Nominal Voltage 3.2 V
Charge Discharge Voltage Range 2.0 V ~ 3.65 V, > 0°C
1.8 V ~ 3.65 V, ≤ 0°C, forbid continuous charging
Dimension Thickness: (43.2 ± 0.5) mm
Width: (100.24 ± 0.2) mm
Height: (144.9 ± 0.5) mm
Weight (1235 ± 37) g
Weight Energy Density 175 Wh/kg
Optimum Working Temperature 10 ~ 35°C
25°C Cycle Life 2500 cycles
45°C Cycle Life 1000 cycles
Calendar Life 8 years

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